I find myself in between worlds. After months of living in Berlin deepening the wisdom of the body during a dance intensive training, I learned to exercise the most uncomfortable muscle, that of unknowing. Strengthening the capacity of full awareness and engagement during complex situations in the context of dance improvisation. And I ask myself, how is this ‘body intelligence’ relevant during times of uncertainty and political crisis? Apparently, dance is only a training for ‘real life’.
The permanent state of crisis, which we witness today, can’t be restored to a previous sense of order… It requires global agency and imagination, which bears with the un-known and takes into account our relational interdependency. It requires radical openness, a speculative attitude, pleasure in engaging with the un-known and un-certain and a willingness to think beyond human-centred categories, temporal and spatial dimensions. (From Ecologies of Practice, Talk-Practice at TanzFabrik, Berlin, 2016)
The aching to find clarity and perspective in the midst of uncertainty has led me to explore new opportunities outside of the obvious. So, I adventured to travel to Morocco and joined a group of visionary leaders, eco-system builders, climate change advocates, artists, healers, journalists, urbanists and inventors, many of which were participating in the international Climate Change conference Cop22 to exchange solutions to regenerate the Earth’s systems.
Our cultural immersion was organized by fantastic Moroccan Yasmine Elbaggari, founder of www.voyaj.com, authentic travel experiences that promote cultural understanding. She exposed us to the ancient land of Morocco, womb of civilization, commerce and mysticism, a dynamic bridge between Europe and the Arab world.